HISTORY OF HOUSES is a mix of object theatre and physical performance. And music is composed to the story. It is storytelling, dance and visual surprises. 7 generations of pianists marry into 7 different houses. The story is told through a historical setting from the Golden Age, through Romanticism and the Second World War to the present. Personal stories are woven into history, and shown in 7 doll houses.
10 - 99 years
60 minutes
Needed space:
9m x 8m x 4 m (WxDxH)
Indoor performance in a blackbox
Setup time:
3 hours
Dismantling time:
1 hour
Technical specifications:
Prices for up to 150 spectators
More subtle, more dangerous, twisted and transformative. Follow Alice on an acid trip to Wonderland at the bottom of the blackest rabbit hole. Nothing is as it seems.
From 12 - 99 years
55 min
Primarily indoor performance, but can also be played outdoors
Prices for up to 250 spectators:
Price for reimbursement:
6,000 DKK
In My Odyssey, Tilde Knudsen dances and tells the whole of Odysseus' famous journey, with the cyclops, enticing sirens, seductions and sorcery - from the war in Troy and home.
From 12 - 99 years
1 hour
The performance is very simple in its set-up and does not require blackout.
Preferably played in a beautiful room, as there is no other scenography than a circle of chairs where the audience sits, a clock and a glass of water.
Needed space:
5 meters in diameter, where the audience sits in a circle around the performance.
The performance is also suitable for playing outdoors, preferably in an area where there is not too much noise.
Setup time:
1 hour and 30 min
Dismantling time:
1 hour
Technical specifications:
230 V
Secondary language:
Prices (eligible for reimbursement):
80 spectators: 7,040 DKK (3,520 DKK)
120 spectators: 8,000 DKK (4,000 DKK)
MOON - a weightless cabaret
In Moon, dancer and performer Tilde Knudsen and composer and musician Klaus Risager go on stage together in a moon-sick cabaret about longing, desire and changeability to newly-composed music.
Needed space:
9m x 8m x 4 m (WxDxH)
Indoor performance in a blackbox
Setup time:
5 hours
Dismantling time:
2 hour
Technical specifications:
Prices for up to 250 spectators
Price for reimbursement:
7,500 DKK
Power. Desire. Excitement. Humor. Guilt. An invitation into the dark and bright sides of the human mind with Asterions Hus reinterpretation of Shakespeare's classic.
From 14 - 99 years
1 hour and 10 min
Needed space:
8m x 6m x 4m (WxDxH)
Prices (eligible for reimbursement):
80 spectators: 7,040 DKK (3,520 DKK)
120 spectators: 8,000 DKK (4,000 DKK)
150 spectators: 10,200 DKK (5,100 DKK)
Strong performing arts self-portrait by and with Tilde Knudsen - a physical, poetic theatrical performance that dances with shadows and explores the world with body and mind.
From 10 - 99 years
1 hour
Play area:
Setup time:
3 hours
Dismantling time:
2 hours
Technical specifications:
230 V, Blackout
Prices (refundable):
120 spectators: 8,000 DKK (4,000 DKK)
150 spectators: 10,200 DKK (5,100 DKK)
Alice in Wonderland - for children and young people
Follow Alice down the rabbit hole to a marvelous land where anything can happen. A tribute to irrationality, imagination and anarchy.
From 5 - 12 years
45 min
Needed space:
6m x 6m x 3m (BxDxH)
can perform indoor and outdoor​
230 V,
Prices (refusionsberettiget):
60 spectators: 5.800 DKK (2.900 DKK)
80 spectators: 7.040 DKK (3.520 DKK)
120 spectators: 8.000 DKK (4.000 DKK)
Reed more at scenen.dk
24 scenes, 24 lifetimes, 24 detours and 24 tributes to the many faces and endings of love. Never has there been so much joy in playing death!
From 12 - 99 years
50 min
Needed space:
Primarily outdoor performance, but can also be played indoors
Setup time:
2 hours and 3 min
Dismantling time:
1 hour and 30 min
Technical specifications:
230 V, Blackout
Prices (eligible for reimbursement):
80 spectators: 7,040 DKK (3,520 DKK)
120 spectators: 8,000 DKK (4,000 DKK)
150 spectators: 10,200 DKK (5,100 DKK)
The myth of Troy is uniquely unraveled and told by three physical actors at a tremendous pace that will make even the audience breathless.
From 14 - 99 years
1 hour
Needed space:
Primarily indoor performance, but can also be played outdoors
Prices (eligible for reimbursement):
120 spectators: 8,000 DKK (4,000 DKK)
150 spectators: 10,200 DKK (5,100 DKK)
200 spectators: 13,000 DKK (6.50 DKK)