The Europeans

Produced in 2017
Site specific at Teaterøen
Possible restaging
Catastrophic drama with narrative dining and live music
Explosive catastrophic theatre with dining, live music, love and a Europe in transformation.
Peter Kirk stages and directs the Shakespeare of our time, Howard Barker's, highly explosive text The Europeans (EUROPÆERNE) in the wake of Brexit, the massive reactions to a flood of refugees thorugh Europe and a Turkey in a state of emergency.
"The European identity is undergoing a colossal transformation and we are fighting like crazy to define ourselves. Are we losing to ability to love in this process?" the director Peter Kirk asks.
Premiering on the 16th of November 2016 at Teaterøen
In 1987, the Shakespeare of our time, Howard Baker, wrote a highly explosive dramatic text. He had a rare prediction about the challenges of the European identity that we face today.
'The Europeans' is disturbing with an explosive nerve, where the vulgarity, the sadism and the sensuality is served with a light touch. The arts kan tell us about, where we stand even when we are not aware of it ourselves. "Fort Europe becomes a reality more and more every day – Europa now has skin, but the question is; can we feel ourselves even though we do everything we can to demonstrate what we are NOT?" Peter Kirk says.
Charlotte Munch
Gry Guldager
Jacob Stage
Martin Ammundsen
Susanne Storm
Thomas Kirk
Tilde Knudsen
Klaus Risager
Peter Kirk
Text: Howard Barker
Director: Peter Kirk
Music: Klaus Risager
Scenography: Maria Lau Krogh
og Hasse Selvig Sandell